It's interesting how different the issues can be when trying to provide adequate health care to a community. In California we're currently debating how to best provide health insurance coverage to the entire population. In many of the countries in Africa they worry about how to best distribute AIDS medication to a population with a soaring HIV prevalence. And in Iraq this man wonders how best to avoid Sunni death squads as he spends the night with his wife who just gave birth to a child. How do you solve that one? Click here to listen
Hey Payam,
Have you seen Children of Men? When I was watching it, it reminded me of what's going on right now in places other than LA. And the scene you described was eerily similar to the woman giving birth in the dirty apartment in the refugee/internment camp.
Payam, good insight… very thought provoking and interesting. It is so sad innocent lives have to be tainted by such things.
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