Monday, March 26, 2007

I thought I had come up with a completely original idea for my paper, thankfully someone thought of it before I did. Please take a look at, and see how easy it is to directly help someone on the other side of the world. The more of this we can have, the faster we'll reach the goal of eradicating poverty. By this I mean using technology to facilitate positive interactions between people around the world. Hopefully our generation will see borders fall not because of guns, but because people will no longer see the need to differentiate themselves by arbitrary borders drawn hundreds sometimes thousands of years ago.
I've donated $25.00 each to fisher women in Samoa, and an man who own a ice cream cart in Mexico, imagine the possibilities.

My Portfolio

Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Power of Suggestion: A paradigm shift

I wonder more than anything else regarding health: What exactly is a paradigm shift? I think I know now. Not being constrained by the way we've learned to think is a paradigm shift. Nothing we say or do can transcend a paradigm, how we think is what matters.
What will be the new paradigm. THE POWER OF SUGGESTION. MAN AS GOD. WHAT?

ARE YOU READY? Is it time for us as human being to realize that everything we see, everything we do, everything we are, we've created. All the happiness, all the sadness, all the beauty, all the disaster we create each and everyday in or mind. Too crazy or radical, don't read any further....
The CD spins and the music comes out the speakers... the music enters my ears then my brain...then what... then I create the beautiful sound that fills my soul. The CD didn't create it, the speakers don't create it, my ears don't create it, these things just work with energy, even the guitar player isn't the true creator, all he does is pluck strings and have them vibrate in different frequencies. Energy, everything is energy in transition, everything is manipulations of energy, from what we feel, to what we hear, to what we see. The only true creative force is our mind. We are the Creator...
Newtonian mechanics only goes so far, quantum mechanics, previously metaphysics, shows us that just through observation we change the form of energy... through observation... through observing our minds create the reality we live in.
what does this mean.. our minds can change the reality...we can CREATE the world we want. we can create a world free from hunger and malnutrition...
How..a paradigm shift... no longer relying on medicine and money and markets and organizations and government... by knowing and showing the world that each person is a creator and that we can bring to ourselves and world whatever we want...
That's a Paradigm Shift